On The Ship
The Norwegian Sky
Embarkation to Cuba!
During this section, I will use fewer words and many more images as I have ALOT more photos from this next couple legs of our journey than any other. As they say “A picture can be worth a thousand words!” And if that is the case then I should be able to get away with a little less writing and more photos! So let’s take a look at our first steps onto the Norwegian Sky Cruise ship.
Straight to Relaxation!
If any of you have ever been on a cruise ship, then you probably understand the stress that is associated with going through customs, making sure you have the right document, getting to the port on time, not losing a kid in the chaos, etc. It can be frustrating! And usually, once you arrive you are greeted with drinks. High priced drinks! However, on this Norwegian cruise, we had the pleasure of all-inclusive drinking! So the first thing we did was change into swimming suits for the kids, and head to the bar!
Family Traditions
We have this tradition as a family, to stand as close to the bow as possible while we get taxied out of port. It is one of my favorite parts of being on a cruise ship. Being able to see the open water begin to disappear into the horizon is humbling and relaxing. Even if it is a downpour of rain we still make time to go enjoy the upcoming sea! Luckily there was even a pool right where we were standing to the kids could play with their cousins and the adults could just enjoy! Here are a few pictures from the way out!
Night time is quiet time!
I have a hard time sleeping in general, and especially so while on vacation! When I am on vacation I am not one to typically just relax and sit around. I get bored and restless. So if everyone falls asleep and I am still wide awake I usually go out to find my own adventures! I brought my camera along and was surprised at how beautiful and quiet the ship was at night. I was even awake as we pulled in to the port in Havana, Cuba and caught some amazing moments before realizing I had probably spent too much time exploring on my own!
Good Morning Cuba!
We woke up early the next day, which made me regret actually staying up all night, but it was a beautiful sight to see first thing in the morning. Immediately I was greeted by a wall of humidity. Which, anyone that is familiar with me knows I thrive off of humid, oceanic environments! So I was happy, my wife was not so happy with the increased humidity. I looked out our balcony below and began getting anxious to immerse myself in the city and begin the exploration!
Until Next Time!
So, in the sense of saving your minds and giving you a break, this is where I leave you. In the next post, we will look at all the art Cuba has to offer as well as the amazing people and countryside! I can honestly say I cannot wait to go back!
Questions about Cuba or Norwegian Cruise line? I would love to answer them!